by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog
Part 5 – How to use the CATT Blueprint to increase results Hi its me again, Chris the Enabled Entrepreneur. In the fifth part of this series I will be providing you with important insights into what the CATT Blueprint is. Now, its all well and good to present...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog
Part 4 – What is trust? The CATT Blueprint Hi, it is the Enabled Entrepreneur with the fourth in this five part series explaining what I mean by Trust. If you have enjoyed all the Facebook Lives on this so far, here’s another I did about Trust several...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog
Part 3 – What is transparency? The CATT Blueprint In this third part of what is a five part series, I will explain the importance of Transparency in business and how knowing this will make you more successful. Some of you may prefer to follow a link to the...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 16, 2018 | Blog
Hi its Chris Catt, Enabled Entrepreneur. Today, I am sharing with you Part 2 of The C.A.T.T. Blueprint where we are going to uncover Authenticity. I Posted a Facebook Live several weeks ago as to what I mean by Authenticity. You can watch the video here. So what do...